Stuck emotions, left unaddressed, can hurt your well-being and hold you back from expressing your authentic self and reaching your full potential. But what if we told you there's a practical yet transformative solution?

Release emotions, find your voice, and transform your life. Find out more below! 👇❤️


Meridian Yoga For Better Self-Expression with Corie Chu & Erika Fernandez




If you want to break free from emotions that are limiting your self-expression, this one is for you.
Are you dealing with ongoing stress from work, relationships, or other sources? 
Are you struggling with negative emotions such as anger, sadness, anxiety, or fear? 
Have you experienced trauma and still carry emotional scars?
Are you dealing with grief and loss?
Are you facing relationship conflicts, communication issues, or emotional baggage from past relationships?
Are you looking for ways to improve your mental health and emotional well-being?
Are you on a journey of self-discovery and seeking personal growth?
Do you desire inner peace to reduce emotional reactivity and foster a sense of balance in your life?
Do you want to enhance your relationships by improving communication skills, enhancing empathy, and strengthening connections with loved ones?
Or are you simply seeking stress relief?


If you answered YES to any of the questions above, then this is the solution that you need.



Stuck emotions can make it hard to express yourself for many reasons, including:

Emotional Overwhelm

Unresolved emotions can accumulate and become overwhelming, making it challenging to focus on clear self-expression because you're preoccupied with managing or suppressing these emotions.

Fear of Judgment

Stuck emotions often include feelings of fear, shame, guilt, or anger, creating a fear of judgment from others. 

Physical Tension

Unresolved emotions can manifest as physical tension in the body. This physical discomfort can make it physically uncomfortable to speak or express yourself, leading to hesitancy or avoidance.


Stuck emotions can inhibit your ability to think clearly and express your thoughts coherently. When weighed down by emotional turmoil, finding the right words or constructing meaningful sentences becomes challenging.


Emotions like self-doubt and low self-esteem can undermine your confidence in expressing yourself. You might constantly question whether your thoughts or feelings are valid or worth sharing.

Inhibition of Vulnerability

Self-expression often involves a degree of vulnerability, as you share your inner thoughts and emotions with others. Stuck emotions can make you hesitant to be vulnerable, fearing rejection or hurt.

Communication Patterns

Unresolved emotions can reinforce negative communication patterns. For example, if you've historically suppressed anger, you may continue to do so, making it difficult to express anger constructively when needed.

Emotional Baggage

Stuck emotions can act as emotional baggage, weighing you down and making it challenging to focus on the present moment and articulate your current thoughts and feelings.

Conflict Avoidance

Some individuals avoid expressing themselves due to a fear of confrontation or conflict. Stuck emotions can intensify this fear, leading to a preference for silence rather than addressing issues.

Emotional Shutdown

In extreme cases, persistent suppression of emotions can lead to emotional shutdown. You may become emotionally numb or disconnected, making self-expression nearly impossible.

To overcome these obstacles and promote effective self-expression, it's crucial to process and release repressed emotions. This is where Meridian Yoga comes in. 

Meridian yoga provides a holistic approach to emotional release by addressing the physical, energetic, and emotional aspects of well-being. It offers a safe and supportive space to explore and process emotions, ultimately helping you release stuck emotions and achieve greater emotional clarity and balance.

By doing so, you can create the emotional space necessary for clear and authentic self-expression, ultimately leading to healthier relationships and improved overall well-being.

Take me there!

🌟The Meridian Yoga Difference

In Meridian Yoga, you'll learn to target specific meridian points on your body, promoting emotional release and detoxification. By incorporating gentle yoga poses, this practice helps you release emotional baggage and clear your body's natural detox centers. Through this, we can cultivate awareness within ourselves to observe our mind, body, and emotions, and with that, we are able to take action toward healing and self-improvement.

🌿 The Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine

For centuries, Meridian treatments like acupressure, acupuncture, reflexology, and nutrition have played a vital role in understanding the human body and emotions. Combining these ancient practices with yoga provides a holistic approach to self-improvement and self-care. 

💡 Meridian Yoga Benefits

✨ Energizes your entire body

🌪 Supports emotional release

🌱 Promotes physical detoxification

🧘‍♀️ Nurtures your body and organs

🚀 Creates space for positive energy

Yes, I am ready to reap the benefits!

The Transformation

Move from a place of emotional overwhelm, physical tension, and self-doubt to a state of emotional clarity, confidence, and authentic self-expression. Meridian Yoga will not only improve your well-being but also deepen your connections with others.

  • From Emotional Overwhelm to Emotional Clarity
  • From Physical Tension to Physical Release
  • From Fear of Judgment to Authenticity
  • From Inhibition to Improved Communication
  • From Self-Doubt to Confidence

Meridian Yoga can lead you on a transformative journey through discovering more about yourself and your emotions. It can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. You will be more in tune with your emotions, more at ease in your body, and better equipped to face life’s challenges with resilience and authenticity.


Meridian Yoga For Better Self-Expression with Corie Chu & Erika Fernandez

Are you ready to unlock your true self, unleash your inner voice, and embark on a journey of self-expression like never before? If so, Meridian Yoga is your path to a more empowered, liberated you.

Discover the transformative power of Meridian Yoga, a unique 15-minute practice designed to help you release emotions, find your authentic voice, and embrace your true self—all at an affordable price!

This practice is for EVERYONE, regardless of your current condition. We've even thoughtfully created a modified 20-minute version for those who are pregnant, recovering from injuries, or have limited mobility. You'll receive both versions, offering you flexibility and inclusivity.


What’s inside the course?

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-expression and emotional release through our unique 15-minute Meridian Yoga practice. Here's a breakdown of what's included:


🧘 15-Minute Meridian Yoga Practice: Our main offering is a practical and easy-to-follow 15-minute Meridian Yoga practice video. This practice combines specific meridian point stimulation with gentle yoga poses. It's specifically designed to support your journey towards better self-expression and the release of emotions such as unworthiness, sadness, and fear that may be hindering your ability to express yourself.

🤰 20-Minute Modified Version: We understand that everyone's needs are unique. That's why we've also included a 20-minute modified version of the same Meridian Yoga practice. This variation is ideal for individuals who are injured, have mobility issues, or are pregnant, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the healing power of Meridian Yoga.

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Develop the ability to express yourself clearly, confidently, and authentically, breaking free from the chains of emotional suppression.
  • Learn how to release pent-up emotions like unworthiness, sadness, and fear, allowing you to experience emotional freedom
  • Achieve a greater sense of emotional clarity and balance, leading to improved overall well-being.
  • Experience holistic healing as you address both emotional and physical aspects of your well-being through Meridian Yoga.
  • Gain tools and practices to empower yourself on your journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
  • Unlock your full potential, transition from emotional overwhelm to emotional clarity, and embrace your true self with confidence.

Join us on this empowering journey, and experience these life-changing benefits for yourself.

Why is this course so affordable?

Because we want to make it accessible to anyone and everyone, we hope everyone can experience self-care and self-development even on a budget. This course is evergreen, and you can practice and repeat it as often as you like! To anyone who’s new to meridian yoga. This practice serves as an introduction to meridian yoga. Typically, meridian yoga practices range from 60-90 minutes long.

I’m ready for change!

Here’s how you know this is right for you:  


✔️You are struggling with emotions like stress, anxiety, anger, or sadness.

✔️You are experiencing physical tension or discomfort in your body that you suspect is related to emotional stress or unresolved emotions.

✔️ You are seeking greater emotional clarity, self-awareness, and a means to process and release emotions in a healthy way

✔️ You are looking for effective stress reduction techniques that not only relax the body but also promote emotional well-being.

✔️You prefer holistic and natural approaches to emotional and physical well-being

✔️ You're open to exploring new practices and are willing to commit to regular practice and self-reflection.

✔️ You're interested in self-care practices that support your overall well-being.

✔️ You're seeking balance in your life, whether it's balancing emotions, energy, or physical tension.

Meridian Yoga is for anyone who is interested in a holistic approach to emotional and physical well-being. It can be particularly beneficial if you're dealing with emotional challenges, stress, or physical tension related to unresolved emotions.

Yes, I’m in

Quick Recap


  • A unique, easy-to-follow practice for better self-expression and emotional release, combining meridian point stimulation and gentle yoga poses.
  • Comes with a modified version for those with injuries, mobility issues, or pregnancy, ensuring accessibility for all.
  • Let go of unworthiness, sadness, and fear, achieving emotional freedom through this practice.
  • Address both emotional and physical well-being through Meridian Yoga. Attain emotional clarity and balance for improved overall health.
  • This course is evergreen. Practice and repeat the course as often as you like.



So why should you trust us to walk you through this process?


It’s a great question and I’m glad you asked.

We are Corie and Erika, your dedicated instructors for this Meridian Yoga For Better Self-Expression course, and we're excited to introduce ourselves. Together, we bring a wealth of experience and expertise to guide you on your transformative journey to self-expression and healing.


Corie: Reiki Master Teacher and Emotional Energy Healer

I am Corie, and I'm honored to lead you through this life-changing course. My unique blend of expertise includes being an Intuitive Energy Healer, specializing in emotional healing and release. My intuitive approach allows me to deeply connect with your needs, feel, heal and release the stuck emotions in your body, facilitating emotional clarity and well-being.

But that's not all—I'm also a Reiki Master Teacher, skilled in harnessing the power of energy healing to enhance our practice. With Reiki, we can balance your energy centers and support emotional release effectively.

Beyond that, I'm a seasoned Personal Development Coach with a track record of helping clients overcome a wide array of challenges, from chronic health issues to mental health concerns and emotional well-being struggles. Together, we've witnessed remarkable transformations.

My clients often describe our journey together as life-changing. They've achieved vibrant health, abundance, genuine self-love, and significant personal growth. Their relationships with others have thrived as a result of our collaborative work.

My passion lies in helping individuals like you discover their authentic selves, heal emotional wounds, and find the courage to speak their unfiltered truth. I firmly believe that everyone is uniquely different, and I'm here to support you on a purpose-driven journey tailored to your needs.

As an expert in emotional healing and emotional release, I’ve paired up with Erika as I’ve discovered how much more effective emotional detox can be after a coaching session + emotional healing session + meridian yoga. While we can detox at our own natural pace, meridian yoga is a safe, alternative practice that can help us expedite the detox phase more AND increase the ability and amount to detox even more. Through this combination, you will be able to let go of so much more!


Erika: Your Meridian Yoga Expert

I am Erika, and I'm thrilled to be your Meridian Yoga instructor, working alongside Corie to bring you this life-changing course. Allow me to share why you can trust me to guide you on your journey to self-expression and healing.

I'm a registered yoga teacher and a 50-hour Meridian Yoga Therapy Level 1 graduate. My journey with Meridian Yoga began when I faced a mysterious hip pain that no conventional treatment could alleviate. This experience left me feeling defeated and frustrated, both in my yoga practice and daily life.

But then I discovered the profound healing potential of Meridian Yoga. It dawned on me that my pain might be more than just physical; it could be deeply rooted in my emotions. This revelation led me to explore how emotions manifest in our physical bodies. Through the study of meridians, I embarked on a holistic journey to address both my emotional and physical well-being.

Meridian Yoga became my path to self-discovery and healing. It allowed me to release myself from internal pain and gradually let go of what no longer served me. This transformative experience illuminated a fundamental truth: we are our own medicine. By delving into our inner world and understanding and embracing what lies within us, we can heal and grow in ways we never thought possible.

Now, it's my mission to provide a safe and nurturing space for others to heal and empower themselves through Meridian Yoga. I've witnessed firsthand the incredible transformations that can occur when we embark on this journey. Join me on this path to self-discovery and empowerment, and let Meridian Yoga guide you toward a more balanced and expressive life.

Book your healing session

Money Back Guarantee 


We are confident that Meridian Yoga will bring positive changes to your life. If, for any reason, you're not satisfied with your purchase, we offer a Happiness Guarantee. Your journey to self-expression and self-empowerment begins risk-free.

If you don’t love Meridian Yoga for Better Self-Expression, you can request your money back within 7 days.

❤️Corie & Erika


Common questions we’d like to address about Meridian Yoga for Better Self-Expression:


The time has come to break free from the constraints that limit your self-expression. Your journey to self-empowerment begins here. Let's embark on this transformative adventure together.